
I'm primarily a Java programmer but also program in C++ from time-to-time. C/C++ was the only language I used for many years when I was younger.

My Stack

My current stack for web applications.

My previous stack for web applications.

At some point I'd like to develop a test web application using:


I decided to refresh my C++ knowledge learning OpenGL!


LUX-GL started as a project to create an OpenGL based LCARS interface. Ended up being just a little playground to play with OpenGL.

C++/OpenGL Programming Resources

Monitor Sleep Utility

Programically turn off all your monitors just like when they timeout and go black after being left unattened for a period of time. TODO -- upload to Github! :)

Error Handling

My personal thoughts on handling errors. Exception and/or std::exceptional or equiv.


Useful programming resources for C++.

How To: Statically Link C++ Libraries with vcpkg + Visual Studio 2019